Monday 28 November 2011

Life's balance - Page 2 of my Board Book Journal

I'm a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to journaling in a book. I much prefer being able to start again if I dont like something, but that's a bit tricky in a book. Nevertheless I like a challenge. When I created this page I made a cock up, some paint bits I really did not like, but I simply covered it with a iof card, which I think rescued it and I'm happy with the page. Well, as happy as can be. I think journaling is more about the journey than the result. I like to use quotes that I have come across and would like to keep a note of so what better way to put them in a journal. A nice way of keeping thoughts and quotes in one place I think.


  1. Fab, fab page - absolutely love this. Some of my favourite stamps, favourite colours and an absolutely wonderful design x

  2. Great quote and love your art which embodies it! penny

  3. You've got a fabulous idea there for "journaling" your quotes! Very inspirational indeed. Great quote!
